Erantzunen zain

Thursday, April 13, 2006


Bai, bai, Imperioaren hiriburu izan zen Roma = Orma dela diosku Krutwig-ek informazio desberdinen iturri agortezin den "Garaldea" liburuan. Honats, berak dioena:

"... Los canarios denominaban roma a unas torres fortalezas. Esta palabra es ya en sí muy interesante, puesto que coincide con la denominación de la urbs. A Roma se le han buscado etimologías griegas como la de rhome =fuerza, o etimologías etruscas (de cuya lengua tan poco se sabe) que debiera indicar serpiente y que debiera ser alguna de las formas de llamar al río Tíber. Nos parece que andamos por pistas más seguras si consideramos la etimología garaldetana, dada por dos palabras que tan sólo son metátesis. En vasco orma significa muralla. Esta palabra deberíamos considerarla en adelante como un elemento del fondo preindoeuropeo, debido a su parentesco con la palabra guanche. Teniendo presente que significan muralla han sido dadas con frecuencia a ciudades, tal como es el caso de Agadir, Agades, Agade, Gades, Gadir, Cadix, etc., se nos impone por sí misma una deducción que la forma de Roma Quadrata que se daba a la primitiva Roma, establecida sobre el Monte Palatino, no puede ser otra cosa que una denominación garaldetana en la que Orma equivale a Roma. Esta última forma además servía, como hemos dicho, para denominar justamente a torres cuadradas, en las Canarias..."

In this case, Krutwig tells us that ROME= ROMA= ORMA ("Wall" in basque).
The word orma is also used in Guanche (the language of the Canary islands) and has the same meaning as in basque, Wall. Taking this into account, and as we have seen before, if there is a common word in basque and in Guanche, this word belongs to their common pre-indoeuropean substract. Furthermore, the meaning of the wall is very used to say city in different cultures. This happens with the names Agadir... that all mean fence, enclose...

Hauxe da Erromaren, Romaren etimologia Krutwigdarra
Esta es la etimología de Roma
This is the etymology or Rome


  • This is the article translated by me. Sorry for my english.

    From the book “Garaldea” of Federico Krutwig:
    “… The inhabitants of the Canary Islands, used to call roma to walls. This is very interesting because it coincides with the definition of urbs. There are different etymologies for Rome, it could be come from the Greek rhome = power, or Etruscan etymologies (from which language we do not know a lot) that should mean snake (and this should be an ancient name for Tíber). We think that it should be better if we consider garaldetan etymologies, because it could be just a metathesis. In basque orma means wall (with the same meaning as in the Chinese Wall). This word should be considered a preindoeuropean word due to its similarities with the guanche word. Taking into account that the use of the meaning wall has been used frequently in different cities, as in Agadir, Agades, Agade, Gades, Gadir, Cadix, etc., we deduce that the ancient name of Roma Roma Quadrata, settled in Palatino Mountain, cannot be another thing that the garaldetan denomination where Orma is equal to Roma. This last word has also been used, as we have said before, to call Squared Towers in Canary Islands…”

    By Blogger borthuzai, at 9:35 AM  

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